Linux O.S. ( 18 Sep. 2012 )

Today’s topic is
Understanding to Linux terminal

Terminal/shell prompt / Linux prompt is command line of linux
To open terminal in gui in suse press   Ctrl + alt + f7
To go to first terminal Ctrl + alt + f1
To go to 2nd  terminal Ctrl + alt + f2
To go to 6th  terminal Ctrl + alt + f6
Root is super user in linux or like windows admin.
/root is home directory of root user
  #  “ this sign Shows user is normal user
  >  “ this sign Shows user is normal user

  ~   ” this sign represents user’s home directory

To delete Linux                                   rm –rf /directory name in which linux is

To check computer name                   hostname
To go to home directory                     cd/home username
To go to home directory                     cd ~
To go to home directory                     cd
To clear screen                                   clear
To clear screen                                   press ctrl + l
List out all contents of directory         ls-l
-      d  “ at the start of list shows it is folder
- “  -    at the start of list shows it is file
To create hidden folder                      mkdir .filename
-Dot . is essential before folder’s name to hide it
To show hidden folders                       ls –a –l
To delete folder & its contents           rm –rf
To delete Linux                                   rm –rf /directory name in which linux is
To delete multiple folders at once     rm –rf fldr1 fldr2 fldr3


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