Linux O.S. ( 12 Oct. 2012 )
Short test was taken by sir total marks 15 Searching in Linux find /home –name newfile Home refers where to find and name refers what to find find /home –name newfolder –type f -type f specifies that search only folders find /home –name as* -type –d It will find all folders starting with as -d specifies only folders If you are confirmed that target is file/folder than specify type other wise don’t mention type switch find / -name win32.vir –ok rm “{ }” \; Rm used for remove directory “{ }” used for creating buffer or temporary storage find / -name win 32.vir –ok rm –rf “{ }” \; ok specify that user’s action needs verification find / -name win 32.vir exit rm –rf “{ }” \; due to exit switch it will not ask for verification find / -name abc –type f –ex...