Linux O.S.( 13 Sep. 2012 )

Linux Commands

To change directory                                                    Cd /home/username
To go to home directory                                             cd
To go one folder up                                                    cd ..
To create directory within the directory                    mkdir /home/abc/xyz
This id assumed that home & abc are already created in above command
Tells present working directory                                  pwd
To create hirercal folders                                           mkdir –P fldr1/fldr2/fldr3/fldr4
For example if you want to create a folder named java and than another folder named as bin in java folder than another subfolder named as 32 and NT in that folder than
Mkdir –P java/bin/32/NT

To remove empty folder                                             rmdir foldername
To check/see sub folders of current folder                ls
Ls  will show subfolders list /contents in horizontal format
To see contents/subfolders in long format                Ls-l

2 hidden folders in Linux
1-      “ . “     Link to present directory
2-      “ .. “   Link to parent or one step up directory
Named as dot and double dot


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