Database Administration ( 17 Sep. 2012 )

Following commands were discussed
Drop user ahmed         to delete ahmed user
Creat user ahmed identified by abc1234 default users temporary tablespace temp quota 100m on users                             to assign 100mb of tablespace to user ahmed
Grant creat session session to ahmed
Grant creat table to ahmed
Grant unlimited tablespace to ahmed
Create role enduser
Grant create session enduser
Grant create table enduser
Grant enduser to ahmed
Grant dba to ahmed
Select * from user_resource_limits;
Alter user student identified by abc12334
Alter user student account lock;                     to lock student user
Alter user student account unlock;                 to unlock student user
Alter user student password expire                after running this cmd student user can change his own  password himself
Select * from user_resourse_limits
Create profile testp limit session_per_use 1;               to create a custom profile
Alter user student profile testp;                                  above profile granted to user student
Revoke dba from student                               to get back dba rights from user student


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